About Us

Hey all! I just wanted to personally say hello first. My name is Vinh. My co-founder, Brandon, introduced me to pickleball in the summer of 2022 and the rest is history.

Since I started playing I feel as mentally and physically healthy as I've ever been. Growing up with cerebral palsy, I was always afraid of playing pickup sports for the fear of being ridiculed for my limited mobility. Pickleball is the first sport where I don't feel at a massive disadvantage to others.. and that's the beauty of the sport. It does not discriminate. It doesn't matter how limited your mobility is, your age, your socioeconomic status, race, gender.

Anyone can get out there and compete on a level playing field and have tons of fun in the process. The countless friendships, the comradery, and the community is what keeps people coming back to the courts each day. To say the least, pickleball has transformed my life and so many others as well.

Through Neonic Pickleball, we hope to foster a community centered around positivity, having fun, and being the healthiest versions of ourselves both physically and mentally. Thanks for reading about us and we hope you join us in our journey towards making this the best recreational sport in the world.

Vinh and Brandon, UCLA Grads & Co-Founders of Neonic Pickleball